
2024 Calgary Construction Job Forecast

2024 Calgary Construction Job Forecast 2024 may best the most difficult time to have home renovation work completed. Why? Many trades people work in the oil or construction industries, where there is more job security than with smaller home renovation contractors, 2024 home construction may reach an all-time record leaving very few trades people to…

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Different Ways to Finance Your Home Renovation Project

It is given that not everyone is blessed with a tremendous amount of riches. So, it becomes a challenging task to renovate our homes. However, despite the financial challenges, there are still ways that you can do to make that goal a reality. In this article, we will try to discuss all of that. Focus…

minimizing construction costs
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Top 5 Things to Minimize Costs in Home Renovation

Breaking the bank is probably the biggest dilemma when renovating our property. This is because we are afraid that the home remodeling will eat up our budget that is supposed to be for other things. So it is important that as much as possible we minimize our expenses in a renovation. To give you an…